How do I add a course page to an activity? [Program Specialist Instructions]

How do I add a course page to an activity? [Program Specialist Instructions]

This article is intended for Moses/Weitzman Health System employees only.


You need to add a course page to your activity. Course pages are typically added to share information with your learners such as links to post-series evaluations, Zoom information, and Zoom recording links. 

Step-by-Step Instructions:


Select the image for a full screen view, if needed.
Navigate to the child session that you would like to add a course page to. 

Select the Course Outline tab

Select Course Page from the dropdown. 

Select the Add object button.

Change the name of the course page and then select the Update button

When you are navigated back to the course outline, select the Save Outline button so you can make edits to the page. 

Select Edit Instance. 

Add text and links to the editor. When complete, select the Save button.