If I believe the credit type awarded is incorrect, how do I update it?

If I believe the credit type awarded is incorrect, how do I update it?


You complete an activity or session, but you believe the credit type awarded is incorrect. The credits that display are based on the credentials you have entered in your profile. For example:
  1. If you have added your credentials as RN, you will receive ANCC credit after completing all activity requirements.
  2. If you added MD or DO to your credentials, you will receive AMA PRA Category 1 Credit after completing all activity requirements. 
If you believe the credit type is incorrect, you will have to update your profile. Reference the following instructions to do so. 
Note for Nurse Practitioners: 
The platform automatically awards AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ to Nurse Practitioners. For the purposes of recertification, the ANCC does accept AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ credits, so learners will be able to use the certificate that was populated with your licensing board. 

Also, as per ANCC guidelines, the credentialing center does not want the ANCC logo or language on ANCC certificates. Therefore, the only difference between the certificate nurse practitioners will receive and the certificate nurses receive is that there will be no logo and accrediting body language on the ANCC certificate. 

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Navigate to the Weitzman Education Platform.

Select My Account in the top right hand corner of your screen.

Then, select the Edit tab. 

Then, select the Profile tab. 

Scroll down to the Credentials field and select all credentials that apply to you. 

Then, select the Save button.